How To Do A Blog In Kajabi - and do the SEO as well!

quick tips

Watch the video for my step by step instructions and PIYP tips.

  1. Go To Websites
  2. Click on Blog in the Left Hand Side Menu
  3. Click on the Blue New Blog button (Top Right Hand Corner of your Screen)
  4. Fill in the Title
  5. Fill in your Content.
  6. Get fancy with the content, use different formatting options.
  7. Use the Links tool to link out to other pages.
  8. Use the image tool to include a casual signature or other images within the blog post.
  9. Remember to add a Tag (Category) for your blog.
  10. Make sure you fill in all areas of the SEO and Sharing section at the bottom of the blog page.
  11. Be sure to put an image in the SEO area as well, this is what will show up when you share the link on Facebook or other social media sites.
  12. Decide whether to publish the blog now, or schedule the blog for another date and time.
  13. Save.
  14. Preview your blog to make sure it looks as you expect it to.

See, super simple.  All that's left to do is copy your custom URL (in the SEO and Sharing) section and paste it into your FB page and share it with your people. ❤️

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